Digital Certificate

Integrate Personal Data in Your Company through the Trusted Digital Certificate Issuance Service Provider Platform from TékenAja!


Digital Certificate from TékenAja!

Digital Certificates are digital entities that are used to identify and authenticate parties involved in electronic transactions. This certificate contains information about the owner’s identity, such as name, address and public key to provide validity and security to documents or online transactions.


Digital certificate service issued by TékenAja! is a solution that allows users to obtain valid and legally verified digital certificates. These digital certificates serve as proof of the authenticity and integrity of electronic data. TékenAja! uses strong encryption technology to protect digital certificates and prevent counterfeiting. With a digital certificate from TékenAja!, users can perform valid electronic signatures, verify identity, and ensure security in various online transactions. Digital certificate TékenAja! provide an added level of trust and security in a digital environment.



Here are 3 advantages of digital certificates that will change the way you do online transactions:

Legitimate and Legally Binding

Legitimate (Issued by Government Agencies) Unique according to NIK

Non Repudiation

undisputed, that the owner of the digital certificate who performs digital signatures.

Save Time & Cost

Free shipping courier costs & the process of issuing digital certificates is quite short

How to get a Digital Certificate through Tékenaja! ?

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